Beowulf Video Summary
Beowulf, the epic tale of adventure that follows Beowulf as he battles Grendel, Grendel's Mother, and later becomes king. Beowulf was originally written in Old English by an unknown Anglo-Saxon poet sometime between the 8th and 11th centuries. It is one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature. This translation, by Professor Francis Gummere, was first published in 1910.
3 (Ten against Grendel)
When Hrothgar saw the bloody hall, he is determined to revenge the warriors. He called on the nine warlords, and they tried to kill Grendel. Unferth was trying to put a brand on Grendel, but he fainted from excitement. Wealtheow, Hrothgar's wife, ran down the stairs to save her husband. The warriors hurled themselves at Grendel, only to be eaten. At last, Grendel retreated, leaving only Hrothgar alive.
4 (Beowulf)
12 years passed, and Beowulf, the nephew of the king of the Geats, was sent to the land of the Danes to save them from the monster Grendel. They sailed to the Danes in a new ship, and when they landed with weapons drawn, a coastguard galloped up to them and asked their purpose. Beowulf is then led to the hall Heorot.
Beowulf Chapter Summaries
1 (A ship without a sail)
A long time ago, there was no king in the land of the Danes, and one day, a ship without sails or sailors drifted into the harbor. The people there found a child sleeping in the middle of a heap of treasures and gold. They believed that the child was the son of Odin, and made the child, who is called Scyld Scefing, a king. Scyld grew up to be strong, and he strike fear into the hearts of his enemies.
A long time ago, there was no king in the land of the Danes, and one day, a ship without sails or sailors drifted into the harbor. The people there found a child sleeping in the middle of a heap of treasures and gold. They believed that the child was the son of Odin, and made the child, who is called Scyld Scefing, a king. Scyld grew up to be strong, and he strike fear into the hearts of his enemies.
2 (A hall full of blood)
Scyld Scefing has a grandson called Healfdene. Healfdene has three sons, and the strongest of them, Hrothgar, became king. Hrothgar had a dream to build a great hall, so he build the Hall Heorot. After the Hall was built, Hrothgar had a feast, but when everybody slept, the demon, Grendel, came and killed thirty of his best bodyguards. When Hrothgar woke, he dreamed that his hall was full of blood, and it was true.
Scyld Scefing has a grandson called Healfdene. Healfdene has three sons, and the strongest of them, Hrothgar, became king. Hrothgar had a dream to build a great hall, so he build the Hall Heorot. After the Hall was built, Hrothgar had a feast, but when everybody slept, the demon, Grendel, came and killed thirty of his best bodyguards. When Hrothgar woke, he dreamed that his hall was full of blood, and it was true.
3 (Ten against Grendel)
When Hrothgar saw the bloody hall, he is determined to revenge the warriors. He called on the nine warlords, and they tried to kill Grendel. Unferth was trying to put a brand on Grendel, but he fainted from excitement. Wealtheow, Hrothgar's wife, ran down the stairs to save her husband. The warriors hurled themselves at Grendel, only to be eaten. At last, Grendel retreated, leaving only Hrothgar alive.
12 years passed, and Beowulf, the nephew of the king of the Geats, was sent to the land of the Danes to save them from the monster Grendel. They sailed to the Danes in a new ship, and when they landed with weapons drawn, a coastguard galloped up to them and asked their purpose. Beowulf is then led to the hall Heorot.
5 (Nine sea-monsters)
Beowulf arrived at the hall Heorot, only to find that Hrothgar had lost faith in him. He then convinces Hrothgar to let him try, and they feast together. Unferth, a bad person, interrupts the feast by asking about Beowulf's friend, who had disappeared after a swim in the ocean with Beowulf. Beowulf told Unferth about the nine sea-monsters that he had slain, and everyone cheered. After the feast ended, everyone retired to their quarters except for Beowulf and Unferth.
Beowulf arrived at the hall Heorot, only to find that Hrothgar had lost faith in him. He then convinces Hrothgar to let him try, and they feast together. Unferth, a bad person, interrupts the feast by asking about Beowulf's friend, who had disappeared after a swim in the ocean with Beowulf. Beowulf told Unferth about the nine sea-monsters that he had slain, and everyone cheered. After the feast ended, everyone retired to their quarters except for Beowulf and Unferth.
6 (Beowulf against Grendel)
When dawn was almost there, Grendel slid into hall Heorot and Beowulf quickly grabbed its arm. Grendel cried out in pain and started to shake his arm free. Beowulf grabbed tighter, and with one jerk, the monster tore its arm out of its socket and fled into the misty fen to its mother.
When dawn was almost there, Grendel slid into hall Heorot and Beowulf quickly grabbed its arm. Grendel cried out in pain and started to shake his arm free. Beowulf grabbed tighter, and with one jerk, the monster tore its arm out of its socket and fled into the misty fen to its mother.
7 (Celebrations)
Morning came, and Hrothgar celebrated Beowulf's success. The poets sang of the deeds of Sigmund and Fitela. Sigmund and Fitela were uncle and nephew, and they slay the dragon that rests on SIiver Rock. The dragon had four heads, one that breath air, another that breath earth, one that breath water, and the last one that breath fire. Sigmund grabbed the heads and put them together, and the fire traveled down the dragon's throat, killing it.
Morning came, and Hrothgar celebrated Beowulf's success. The poets sang of the deeds of Sigmund and Fitela. Sigmund and Fitela were uncle and nephew, and they slay the dragon that rests on SIiver Rock. The dragon had four heads, one that breath air, another that breath earth, one that breath water, and the last one that breath fire. Sigmund grabbed the heads and put them together, and the fire traveled down the dragon's throat, killing it.
8 (Revenge)
When the feast ended, the night came, and Grendel's mother came to the hall Heorot. She looked at Unferth and smiled, and she took Grendel's arm. Unferth, urged by Grendel's mother, murdered Aeschere. They then escaped back into the fen.
When the feast ended, the night came, and Grendel's mother came to the hall Heorot. She looked at Unferth and smiled, and she took Grendel's arm. Unferth, urged by Grendel's mother, murdered Aeschere. They then escaped back into the fen.
9 (Into the fen)
Beowulf followed the spoor that Grendel's mother had left and went to a deep pool deep in the fen. He saw the blood bubbling on the surface and concluded that Grendel had plunged into the pool when he was wounded. Then he noticed Unferth's head hanging on a tree and told his men to bury him. At last, Beowulf plunged into the pool.
Beowulf followed the spoor that Grendel's mother had left and went to a deep pool deep in the fen. He saw the blood bubbling on the surface and concluded that Grendel had plunged into the pool when he was wounded. Then he noticed Unferth's head hanging on a tree and told his men to bury him. At last, Beowulf plunged into the pool.
Chapter11: Grendel’s Head
Chapter12: Beowulf goes home
Chapter13: King Beowulf
Chapter 14 - The Firedrake
Chapter15 - Beowulf Against the Firedrake
Fantasy snímek Beowulf je filmovou adaptací staré anglosaské hrdinské básně
(vznikla někdy okolo roku 1000 a je považována za základní kámen britské literatury).
Tento slavný příběh vypráví o skvělém skandinávském válečníkovi Beowulfovi, který se vydává na pomoc králi Hrotgarovi . Od něho se dozvídá, že musí porazit a zničit obávanou příšeru jménem Grendel . Ten totiž neustále terorizuje skandinávský venkov. To se mu nakonec ve velkolepé bitvě podaří, ale aby to nebylo tak jednoduché, musí ještě zabít Grendelovu matku, protože ta z touhy po pomstě začala zabíjet nevinné vesničany...
Tento slavný příběh vypráví o skvělém skandinávském válečníkovi Beowulfovi, který se vydává na pomoc králi Hrotgarovi . Od něho se dozvídá, že musí porazit a zničit obávanou příšeru jménem Grendel . Ten totiž neustále terorizuje skandinávský venkov. To se mu nakonec ve velkolepé bitvě podaří, ale aby to nebylo tak jednoduché, musí ještě zabít Grendelovu matku, protože ta z touhy po pomstě začala zabíjet nevinné vesničany...
Na zadní straně knihy: Vychází z tmy a přibližuje se ke svým obětem ve smrtelném tichu. Když odejde, zůstane celá stezka krve. Je to monstrum Grendel a všichni kdo o něm vědí žijí ve strachu. Hrothgar, král Dánů, ví, je třeba něco udělat a zastavit Grendela. Ale kdo bude hlídat velkou síň, kterou Hrothgar postavil, kde přičemž při hlídce přišlo tolik mužů o životy pro příšeru? Jen jeden muž se odvažuje postavit Grendelovu zuřivost ---Beowulf