pondělí 22. května 2023

Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain - FULL AudioBook / Tom Sawyer v zahraničí


by Mark Twain

Chapter 1


Do you reckon Tom Sawyer was satisfied after all them adventures? I mean the adventures we had down the river, and the time we set the darky Jim free and Tom got shot in the leg. No, he wasn’t. It only just p’isoned him for more. That was all the effect it had. You see, when we three came back up the river in glory, as you may say, from that long travel, and the village received us with a torchlight procession and speeches, and everybody hurrah’d and shouted, it made us heroes, and that was what Tom Sawyer had always been hankering to be.

For a while he was satisfied. Everybody made much of him, and he tilted up his nose and stepped around the town as though he owned it. Some called him Tom Sawyer the Traveler, and that just swelled him up fit to bust. You see he laid over me and Jim considerable, because we only went down the river on a raft and came back by the steamboat, but Tom went by the steamboat both ways. The boys envied me and Jim a good deal, but land! they just knuckled to the dirt before TOM.

Well, I don’t know; maybe he might have been satisfied if it hadn’t been for old Nat Parsons, which was postmaster, and powerful long and slim, and kind o’ good-hearted and silly, and bald-headed, on account of his age, and about the talkiest old cretur I ever see. For as much as thirty years he’d been the only man in the village that had a reputation—I mean a reputation for being a traveler, and of course he was mortal proud of it, and it was reckoned that in the course of that thirty years he had told about that journey over a million times and enjoyed it every time. 

And now comes along a boy not quite fifteen, and sets everybody admiring and gawking over his travels, and it just give the poor old man the high strikes. It made him sick to listen to Tom, and to hear the people say “My land!” “Did you ever!”

 “My goodness sakes alive!” and all such things; but he couldn’t pull away from it, any more than a fly that’s got its hind leg fast in the molasses. And always when Tom come to a rest, the poor old cretur would chip in on his same old travels and work them for all they were worth; but they were pretty faded, and didn’t go for much, and it was pitiful to see. And then Tom would take another innings, and then the old man again—and so on, and so on, for an hour and more, each trying to beat out the other.

You see, Parsons’ travels happened like this: When he first got to be postmaster and was green in the business, there come a letter for somebody he didn’t know, and there wasn’t any such person in the village. Well, he didn’t know what to do, nor how to act, and there the letter stayed and stayed, week in and week out, till the bare sight of it gave him a conniption. The postage wasn’t paid on it, and that was another thing to worry about. 

There wasn’t any way to collect that ten cents, and he reckon’d the gov’ment would hold him responsible for it and maybe turn him out besides, when they found he hadn’t collected it. Well, at last he couldn’t stand it any longer. He couldn’t sleep nights, he couldn’t eat, he was thinned down to a shadder, yet he da’sn’t ask anybody’s advice, for the very person he asked for advice might go back on him and let the gov’ment know about the letter. 

He had the letter buried under the floor, but that did no good; if he happened to see a person standing over the place it’d give him the cold shivers, and loaded him up with suspicions, and he would sit up that night till the town was still and dark, and then he would sneak there and get it out and bury it in another place. Of course, people got to avoiding him and shaking their heads and whispering, because, the way he was looking and acting, they judged he had killed somebody or done something terrible, they didn’t know what, and if he had been a stranger they would’ve lynched him.

Well, as I was saying, it got so he couldn’t stand it any longer; so he made up his mind to pull out for Washington, and just go to the President of the United States and make a clean breast of the whole thing, not keeping back an atom, and then fetch the letter out and lay it before the whole gov’ment, and say, “Now, there she is—do with me what you’re a mind to; though as heaven is my judge I am an innocent man and not deserving of the full penalties of the law and leaving behind me a family that must starve and yet hadn’t had a thing to do with it, which is the whole truth and I can swear to it.”

So he did it. He had a little wee bit of steamboating, and some stage-coaching, but all the rest of the way was horseback, and it took him three weeks to get to Washington. He saw lots of land and lots of villages and four cities. He was gone ’most eight weeks, and there never was such a proud man in the village as he when he got back. His travels made him the greatest man in all that region, and the most talked about; and people come from as much as thirty miles back in the country, and from over in the Illinois bottoms, too, just to look at him—and there they’d stand and gawk, and he’d gabble. You never see anything like it.

Well, there wasn’t any way now to settle which was the greatest traveler; some said it was Nat, some said it was Tom. Everybody allowed that Nat had seen the most longitude, but they had to give in that whatever Tom was short in longitude he had made up in latitude and climate. It was about a stand-off; so both of them had to whoop up their dangerous adventures, and try to get ahead that way. 

That bullet-wound in Tom’s leg was a tough thing for Nat Parsons to buck against, but he bucked the best he could; and at a disadvantage, too, for Tom didn’t set still as he’d orter done, to be fair, but always got up and sauntered around and worked his limp while Nat was painting up the adventure that he had in Washington; for Tom never let go that limp when his leg got well, but practiced it nights at home, and kept it good as new right along.

Nat’s adventure was like this; I don’t know how true it is; maybe he got it out of a paper, or somewhere, but I will say this for him, that he did know how to tell it. He could make anybody’s flesh crawl, and he’d turn pale and hold his breath when he told it, and sometimes women and girls got so faint they couldn’t stick it out. Well, it was this way, as near as I can remember:

He come a-loping into Washington, and put up his horse and shoved out to the President’s house with his letter, and they told him the President was up to the Capitol, and just going to start for Philadelphia—not a minute to lose if he wanted to catch him. Nat ’most dropped, it made him so sick. His horse was put up, and he didn’t know what to do. But just then along comes a darky driving an old ramshackly hack, and he see his chance. He rushes out and shouts: “A half a dollar if you git me to the Capitol in half an hour, and a quarter extra if you do it in twenty minutes!”

“Done!” says the darky.

Nat he jumped in and slammed the door, and away they went a-ripping and a-tearing over the roughest road a body ever see, and the racket of it was something awful. Nat passed his arms through the loops and hung on for life and death, but pretty soon the hack hit a rock and flew up in the air, and the bottom fell out, and when it come down Nat’s feet was on the ground, and he see he was in the most desperate danger if he couldn’t keep up with the hack. He was horrible scared, but he laid into his work for all he was worth, and hung tight to the arm-loops and made his legs fairly fly. 

He yelled and shouted to the driver to stop, and so did the crowds along the street, for they could see his legs spinning along under the coach, and his head and shoulders bobbing inside through the windows, and he was in awful danger; but the more they all shouted the more the nigger whooped and yelled and lashed the horses and shouted, “Don’t you fret, I’se gwine to git you dah in time, boss; I’s gwine to do it, sho’!” for you see he thought they were all hurrying him up, and, of course, he couldn’t hear anything for the racket he was making.

 And so they went ripping along, and everybody just petrified to see it; and when they got to the Capitol at last it was the quickest trip that ever was made, and everybody said so. The horses laid down, and Nat dropped, all tuckered out, and he was all dust and rags and barefooted; but he was in time and just in time, and caught the President and give him the letter, and everything was all right, and the President give him a free pardon on the spot, and Nat give the nigger two extra quarters instead of one, because he could see that if he hadn’t had the hack he wouldn’t’a’ got there in time, nor anywhere near it.

It was a powerful good adventure, and Tom Sawyer had to work his bullet-wound mighty lively to hold his own against it.

Well, by and by Tom’s glory got to paling down gradu’ly, on account of other things turning up for the people to talk about—first a horse-race, and on top of that a house afire, and on top of that the circus, and on top of that the eclipse; and that started a revival, same as it always does, and by that time there wasn’t any more talk about Tom, so to speak, and you never see a person so sick and disgusted.

Pretty soon he got to worrying and fretting right along day in and day out, and when I asked him what was he in such a state about, he said it ’most broke his heart to think how time was slipping away, and him getting older and older, and no wars breaking out and no way of making a name for himself that he could see. Now that is the way boys is always thinking, but he was the first one I ever heard come out and say it.

So then he set to work to get up a plan to make him celebrated; and pretty soon he struck it, and offered to take me and Jim in. Tom Sawyer was always free and generous that way. There’s a-plenty of boys that’s mighty good and friendly when you’ve got a good thing, but when a good thing happens to come their way they don’t say a word to you, and try to hog it all. 

That warn’t ever Tom Sawyer’s way, I can say that for him. There’s plenty of boys that will come hankering and groveling around you when you’ve got an apple and beg the core off of you; but when they’ve got one, and you beg for the core and remind them how you give them a core one time, they say thank you ’most to death, but there ain’t a-going to be no core. But I notice they always git come up with; all you got to do is to wait.

Well, we went out in the woods on the hill, and Tom told us what it was. It was a crusade.
“What’s a crusade?” I says.
He looked scornful, the way he’s always done when he was ashamed of a person, and says:
“Huck Finn, do you mean to tell me you don’t know what a crusade is?”

“No,” says I, “I don’t. And I don’t care to, nuther. I’ve lived till now and done without it, and had my health, too. But as soon as you tell me, I’ll know, and that’s soon enough. I don’t see any use in finding out things and clogging up my head with them when I mayn’t ever have any occasion to use ’em. There was Lance Williams, he learned how to talk Choctaw here till one come and dug his grave for him. Now, then, what’s a crusade? But I can tell you one thing before you begin; if it’s a patent-right, there’s no money in it. Bill Thompson he—”

“Patent-right!” says he. “I never see such an idiot. Why, a crusade is a kind of war.”
I thought he must be losing his mind. But no, he was in real earnest, and went right on, perfectly ca’m.

“A crusade is a war to recover the Holy Land from the paynim.”
“Which Holy Land?”
“Why, the Holy Land—there ain’t but one.”
“What do we want of it?”

“Why, can’t you understand? It’s in the hands of the paynim, and it’s our duty to take it away from them.”
“How did we come to let them git hold of it?”
“We didn’t come to let them git hold of it. They always had it.”
“Why, Tom, then it must belong to them, don’t it?”
“Why of course it does. Who said it didn’t?”
I studied over it, but couldn’t seem to git at the right of it, no way. I says:
“It’s too many for me, Tom Sawyer. If I had a farm and it was mine, and another person wanted it, would it be right for him to—”

“Oh, shucks! you don’t know enough to come in when it rains, Huck Finn. It ain’t a farm, it’s entirely different. You see, it’s like this. They own the land, just the mere land, and that’s all they do own; but it was our folks, our Jews and Christians, that made it holy, and so they haven’t any business to be there defiling it. It’s a shame, and we ought not to stand it a minute. We ought to march against them and take it away from them.”

“Why, it does seem to me it’s the most mixed-up thing I ever see!

 Now, if I had a farm and another person—”
“Don’t I tell you it hasn’t got anything to do with farming? Farming is business, just common low-down business: that’s all it is, it’s all you can say for it; but this is higher, this is religious, and totally different.”

“Religious to go and take the land away from people that owns it?”
“Certainly; it’s always been considered so.”
Jim he shook his head, and says:
“Mars Tom, I reckon dey’s a mistake about it somers—dey mos’ sholy is. I’s religious myself, en I knows plenty religious people, but I hain’t run across none dat acts like dat.”

It made Tom hot, and he says:

“Well, it’s enough to make a body sick, such mullet-headed ignorance! If either of you’d read anything about history, you’d know that Richard Cur de Loon, and the Pope, and Godfrey de Bulleyn, and lots more of the most noble-hearted and pious people in the world, hacked and hammered at the paynims for more than two hundred years trying to take their land away from them, and swum neck-deep in blood the whole time—and yet here’s a couple of sap-headed country yahoos out in the backwoods of Missouri setting themselves up to know more about the rights and wrongs of it than they did! Talk about cheek!”

Well, of course, that put a more different light on it, and me and Jim felt pretty cheap and ignorant, and wished we hadn’t been quite so chipper. I couldn’t say nothing, and Jim he couldn’t for a while; then he says:

“Well, den, I reckon it’s all right; beca’se ef dey didn’t know, dey ain’t no use for po’ ignorant folks like us to be trying to know; en so, ef it’s our duty, we got to go en tackle it en do de bes’ we can. Same time, I feel as sorry for dem paynims as Mars Tom. De hard part gwine to be to kill folks dat a body hain’t been ’quainted wid and dat hain’t done him no harm. Dat’s it, you see. Ef we wuz to go ’mongst ’em, jist we three, en say we’s hungry, en ast ’em for a bite to eat, why, maybe dey’s jist like yuther people. Don’t you reckon dey is? Why, dey’d give it, I know dey would, en den—”

“Then what?”

“Well, Mars Tom, my idea is like dis. It ain’t no use, we can’t kill dem po’ strangers dat ain’t doin’ us no harm, till we’ve had practice—I knows it perfectly well, Mars Tom—’deed I knows it perfectly well. But ef we takes a’ axe or two, jist you en me en Huck, en slips acrost de river to-night arter de moon’s gone down, en kills dat sick fam’ly dat’s over on the Sny, en burns dey house down, en—”

“Oh, you make me tired!” says Tom. “I don’t want to argue any more with people like you and Huck Finn, that’s always wandering from the subject, and ain’t got any more sense than to try to reason out a thing that’s pure theology by the laws that protect real estate!”

Now that’s just where Tom Sawyer warn’t fair. Jim didn’t mean no harm, and I didn’t mean no harm. We knowed well enough that he was right and we was wrong, and all we was after was to get at the how of it, and that was all; and the only reason he couldn’t explain it so we could understand it was because we was ignorant—yes, and pretty dull, too, I ain’t denying that; but, land! that ain’t no crime, I should think.

But he wouldn’t hear no more about it—just said if we had tackled the thing in the proper spirit, he would ’a’ raised a couple of thousand knights and put them in steel armor from head to heel, and made me a lieutenant and Jim a sutler, and took the command himself and brushed the whole paynim outfit into the sea like flies and come back across the world in a glory like sunset. But he said we didn’t know enough to take the chance when we had it, and he wouldn’t ever offer it again. And he didn’t. When he once got set, you couldn’t budge him.

But I didn’t care much. I am peaceable, and don’t get up rows with people that ain’t doing nothing to me. I allowed if the paynim was satisfied I was, and we would let it stand at that.

Now Tom he got all that notion out of Walter Scott’s book, which he was always reading. And it was a wild notion, because in my opinion he never could’ve raised the men, and if he did, as like as not he would’ve got licked. I took the book and read all about it, and as near as I could make it out, most of the folks that shook farming to go crusading had a mighty rocky time of it.


Tom Sawyer nemá na mysli nic jiného než rošťárny a nezbednosti, kterými velmi trápí tetu Polly, se kterou žije společně se svým nevlastním bratrem Sidem v St. Petersburghu v Mississippi.Polly si i přes Tomovu tvrdohlavost a svéráznou povahu vytkla za cíl z něj vychovat spořádaného a váženého člověka. Tom má naštěstí kamaráda Hucka Finna, sirotka, který nade vše miluje dobrodružství. Jednoho dne se z jejich chlapeckých výprav do neznáma stane opravdové lidské drama. Obstojí chlapci tváří v tvář skutečné hrozbě?

Tom Sawyer Abroad

Mark Twain Tom Sawyer v zahraničí - KOMPLETNÍ audiokniha

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain - 1/6 + Full Movie 1938 + animation 1/15

Full Movie 1938 -  Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera


1 - Tom and his friends 1/6

‘Tom! Tom! Where are you?’
No answer.
‘Where is that boy? When I find him, I’m going to…’
Aunt Polly looked under the bed. 
Then she opened the door and looked out into the garden.

She heard something behind her. A small boy ran past, but Aunt Polly put out her hand and stopped him.
‘Ah, there you are! And what’s that in your pocket?’
‘Nothing, Aunt Polly.’
‘Nothing! It’s an apple! I can see it. Now listen, Tom. 
Those apples are not for you, and I —’
‘Oh, Aunt Polly! Quick — look behind you!’

So Aunt Polly looked, and Tom was out of the house in a second. She laughed quietly. ‘I never learn. I love that Tom, my dead sister’s child, but he isn’t an easy boy for an old lady. Well, it’s Saturday tomorrow and there’s no school, but it isn’t going to be a holiday for Tom. Oh no! He’s going to work tomorrow!’

Saturday was a beautiful day. It was summer and the sun was hot and there were flowers in all the gardens. It was a day for everybody to be happy.

Tom came out of his house with a brush and a big pot of white paint in his hand.
 He looked at the fence; it was three meters high and thirty meters long. He put his brush in the paint and painted some of the fence. He did it again. Then he stopped and looked at the fence, put down his brush and sat down. There were hours of work in front of him and he was the unhappiest boy in the village.

After ten minutes Tom had an idea, a wonderful idea. He took up the brush again and began work. He saw his friend Joe Harper in the street, but he didn’t look at him. Joe had an apple in his hand. He came up to Tom and looked at the fence.

‘I am sorry, Tom.’

Tom said nothing. The paint brush moved up and down.
‘Working for your aunt?’ said Joe. ‘I’m going down to the river. 
I’m sorry you can’t come with me.’

Tom put down his brush. ‘You call this work?’ he said.
Tainting a fence?’ said joe. ‘Of course it’s work!’
‘Perhaps it is and perhaps it isn’t. But I like it,’ said
Tom. ‘I can go to the river any day. I can’t paint a fence very often.’

Joe watched Tom for about five minutes. Tom painted very slowly and carefully. 
 He often stopped, moved back from the fence and looked at his work with a smile. Joe began to get very interested, and said:

‘Tom, can I paint a little?’
Tom thought for a second. I’m sorry, Joe. You see, my aunt wants me to do it because I’m good at painting. My brother Sid wanted to paint, too, but she said no.’
‘Oh, please, Tom, just a little. I’m good at painting, too. Hey, do you want some of my apple?’

‘No, Joe, I can’t —’
‘OK, you can have all my apple!’

Tom gave Joe the brush. He did not smile, but for the first time that day he was 
a very happy boy. He sat down and ate Joe’s apple.

More friends came to laugh at Tom, but soon they all wanted to paint, too. By the afternoon Tom had three balls, an old knife, a cat with one eye, an old blue bottle, and a lot of other exciting things. He was the richest boy in St Petersburg, and the fence — all thirty meters of it -was a beautiful white. He went back to the house.

‘Aunt Polly! Can I go and play now?’
Aunt Polly came out of the house to look. When she saw the beautiful white fence, she was very pleased. She took Tom into the house and gave him an apple.

‘Well, you can go and play. But don’t come home late.’
Tom quickly took a second apple and ran off.

On Monday morning Tom didn’t want to go to school, but Aunt Polly got him out of bed, and then out of the house. In the street near the school he met his friend Huckleberry Finn. Huck had no mother, and his father drank whiskey all the time, so Huck lived in the streets. He didn’t go to school, he was always dirty, and he never had a new shirt. But he was happy. The mothers, of St Petersburg didn’t like Huck, but Tom and his friends did.

‘Hello, Huck!’ said Tom. ‘What have you got there?’
‘A dead cat.’
‘What’re you going to do with it?’ asked Tom.
I’m going to take it to the graveyard tonight,’ Huck said. ‘At midnight. 
A dead cat can call ghosts out of their graves.’
I never heard that,’ said Tom. ‘Is it true?’

‘Well, I don’t know,’ said Huck. ‘Old Mrs. Hopkins told me. 
Come with me, and see. Or are you afraid of ghosts?’
‘Of course not!’ said Tom. ‘Come and meow for me at my window at eleven o’clock.’
After this, Tom was late for school, and the teacher looked at him angrily.
‘Thomas Sawyer, why are you late again?’ he said.

Tom began to speak, and then stopped. There was a new girl in the schoolroom — a beautiful girl with blue eyes and long yellow hair. Tom looked and looked.
Oh, how beautiful she was! And in two seconds Tom was in love! He must sit next to her. But how?

In the girls’ half of the room there was only one empty chair, and it was next to the new girl. Tom thought quickly, and then looked at the teacher.
‘I stopped to talk with Huckleberry Tinn!’ he said.

The teacher was very, very angry. Boys were often late for school. That was bad, but talking with Huckleberry Finn was worse, much worse! The teacher took his stick, and two minutes later Tom’s trousers were very-hot and the teacher’s arm was very tired.

‘Now, Tom Sawyer, you go and sit with the girls!’
Some of the children laughed. Tom walked to the chair next to the new girl, sat down and opened his book. The other children began to work again.

After ten minutes, the girl looked up. There was an apple on the table in front of her. She put it back on Tom’s half of the table. A minute later the apple was in front of her again. Now it stayed. Next, Tom drew a picture of a house and put it in front of her.

‘That’s nice,’ the girl said. ‘Now draw a man.’
Tom drew a man next to the house. The man was taller than the house, and he had very big hands and very long legs. But the girl liked him.

‘Can you draw me now?’ she asked.
Tom drew a girl next to the man.
‘You draw beautifully. I can’t draw pictures.’
‘I can teach you,’ said Tom. ‘After school.’
‘Oh, please!’
‘What’s your name?’ Tom asked.
‘Becky. Becky Thatcher.’

Just then Tom felt a hand on his head. It was the teacher. He took Tom by the ear and moved him back to his chair in the boys’ half of the room.

2 - In the graveyard

That night Tom went to bed at half past nine. He waited for Huck’s meow, and at eleven o’clock it came. He climbed quietly out of the bedroom window, and then he and Huck walked out of the village with the dead cat.

The graveyard was on a hill, about a mile from St Petersburg. When the boys got there, they put the dead cat on a grave, and sat down behind some trees. They watched, and waited. It was very dark, and very quiet.

‘Do you see that new grave there?’ whispered Huck. That’s Hoss Williams’ grave, He died last week.’

‘Perhaps he can hear us,’ Tom whispered back. ‘Do you think he can, Huck?’
‘I don’t know, but I—’
‘Oh, Tom, what is it?’
‘Sh!’ whispered Tom. ‘I can see something. Look!’

Huck moved nearer to Tom. ‘Ghosts!’ he said. ‘Three of them! 
They’re coming here, Tom! Oh, let’s go home!’
‘They can’t see us,’ Tom whispered. ‘Not here.’
‘Ghosts can see through trees,’ said Huck unhappily.
 ‘They can see through everything!’

The ghosts moved quietly through the graveyard and came nearer to the trees. Huck and Tom watched, very afraid. Then, after a minute, Huck said:
‘Tom! They’re not ghosts. That’s Muff Potter.’
‘So it is. And that’s Injun Joe. And the other man is Doctor Robinson. 
What are they doing here?’

‘They’re grave robbers, Tom! They’re going to rob a grave! My father told me about it. The doctor wants a dead body, you see. He cuts it up because he wants to learn about —’

‘Sh!’ said Tom. They’re getting near.’
The three men stopped at Hoss Williams’ grave and Injun Joe and Muff Potter began to dig. Ten minutes later the grave was open.
‘Now, doctor,’ said Muff Potter. ‘You want us to take the body to your house?
That’s five dollars more.’
‘No!’ said the doctor. ‘I gave you the money this morning. 
I’m not giving you anymore!’

‘Now you listen to me, doctor!’ said Injun Joe. I want that money! Do you remember a day five years ago? I came to your house and asked for something to eat. 
 And you gave me nothing. Nothing! So give me that money!’
He took the doctor’s arm, but suddenly the doctor hit him, and Injun Joe fell to the ground.

‘Don’t hit my friend!’ cried Muff Potter. He jumped on the doctor and the two men began to fight.

It all happened very quickly, and the two boys watched with open mouths. Injun Joe got up. He had Muff Potter’s knife in his hand now, and he moved behind the doctor. Then the doctor hit Muff Potter on the head. Muff fell to the ground, and at the same moment the knife in Injun Joe’s hand went into the doctor’s back. The doctor fell to the ground, on top of Muff Potter, and he did not move again.

Injun Joe moved behind the doctor.

The two boys could watch no more. Very quietly, they moved away from the trees, and then ran out of the graveyard and back to the village.

Injun Joe stood by Hoss Williams’ grave and looked down at the two men. Then he put the knife into Muff Potter’s hand and sat down. Three — four — five minutes went by. Potter moved a little and opened his eyes.

‘What — what happened, Joe?’ he asked.
‘This is bad, Muff,’ said Joe. ‘Why did you kill him?’
Muff looked at the doctor’s dead body, then at the knife in his hand. ‘Me? Did I kill him?’ His face went white, and the knife fell from his hand. ‘It’s the whiskey, Joe! I never fight with knives usually. Oh, why did I drink all that whiskey tonight? I don’t remember anything!’
‘It’s OK, Muff,’ said Joe. I’m not going to tell anyone. You get away quickly. Go on — go now!’

Muff Potter got up and ran away. Joe watched him for a minute, then he carefully put the knife next to the doctor’s body. Then he, too, left the graveyard.
The next day the Sheriffs men found the doctor’s body in the graveyard — and Muff Potter’s knife. That night Muff came to the graveyard to get his knife. But the Sheriff’s men were there, and they took Muff to Sr Petersburg’s little jail. And their Muff sat for four weeks, and waited for his trial.

And their Muff waited for his trial.
Tom and Huck could not forget that night in the graveyard. They were very unhappy, and very afraid.

‘What’re we going to do?’ said Tom. ‘Muff Potter didn’t kill the doctor — Injun Joe did. We saw him!’
‘I know,’ Huck said. ‘But what can we do? We can’t tell anyone. I’m afraid of Injun Joe. He’s dangerous. And he’s a killer. Do you want a knife in your back?’

‘Yes, I’m afraid of him, too,’ Tom said. He thought for a minute. ‘I’m sorry for Muff Potter, but you’re right, Huck. We can’t tell anyone about Injun Joe.’

3 - On Jackson’s Island

The summer holidays came, and there was no school. Tom didn’t want to think about Muff Potter and Injun Joe, but it wasn’t easy. At night, when he was in bed, he saw Injun Joe’s face in the dark, and he couldn’t sleep. But he couldn’t talk to anyone about it.

One hot summer’s day he and Joe Harper were down by the Mississippi River. They sat and watched the boats, and fished and talked.
‘Let’s get away from here!’ said Tom, suddenly. ‘Let’s go and do something exciting somewhere.’

‘OK,’ said Joe. ‘But what? And where?’
I know,’ Tom said. ‘Let’s run away. Let’s go and live on Jackson’s Island. 
We can sleep out, under the trees.’

They watched the boats, and fished and talked.
Jackson’s Island was in the Mississippi, three miles south of St Petersburg. 
Nobody lived there.

‘Let’s ask Huck Finn, too,’ said Tom. ‘But don’t tell your mother or father or anyone. Go home and get somethings to eat, and meet me here at midnight.’
They cooked some of the meat over the fire.

So that night three boys in a small boat went down the river to Jackson’s Island. They had some bread and some meat, and Huck had his pipe, too. When they got there, they carried everything on to the island and made a fire, under a big old tree. Then they cooked some of the meat over the fire, and oh, that meat was good — the best dinner in the world! Soon, they stopped talking, their eyes closed, and they slept.

The three boys ran down to the river to swim.
The next morning Tom woke up with the sun on his head and a smile on his face. Then Huck and joe woke up, and the three boys ran down to the river to swim. 
After that, they fished, and soon they had about six big fish for their breakfast. 
They cooked the fish on their fire and ate them all. They were very hungry.

‘That,’ said Joe happily, ‘was a wonderful breakfast!’
After breakfast they walked through the island, swam some more, talked, fished, and swam again. They came back to their fire in the afternoon. Suddenly, Tom looked up and said, ‘Listen. Can you hear boats?’

They listened, and then ran across the island to look down the river. 
There were twenty or more boats on the water. Every boat in St Petersburg was out.

‘What are they doing?’ asked Joe.
‘They’re looking for a dead body, I think,’ said Huck. 
‘They did that last summer when Bill Turner fell in the river and drowned.’

‘Who’s dead, do you think?’ asked Joe.
The boys watched the boats. Suddenly, Tom cried, I know who’s dead! It’s us! They’re looking for us!’

This was wonderful. Tom looked at his friends. ‘We’re famous!’ he said. ‘Everybody in St Petersburg is talking about us. And they all feel sorry for us!’
Night came, and the boys went to sleep. But Tom did not sleep, and when morning came, he wasn’t there!

‘Huck, where’s Tom?’ cried Joe.
‘I don’t know,’ Huck began, ‘but — Look! There he is. He’s swimming across to the island now. Hey, Tom!’

At breakfast Tom told his story. I went home last night,’ he said, ‘and listened at the window. Joe, your mother was there, too, and she and Aunt Polly cried and cried. 
 I heard some very interesting things. On Sunday there’s going to be a big funeral at the church — for us! And listen — I’ve got a wonderful idea.’

Huck and Joe listened and laughed, and yes, it was a wonderful idea.
That night the boys cooked some more fish, and after dinner Huck got out his pipe and began to smoke.

‘Can we smoke, too?’ asked Tom. ‘I want to learn.’
So Huck made pipes for Tom and Joe, and the three boys sat and smoked.
‘Hey, I like smoking,’ said Tom. ‘It’s easy!’
‘It’s nothing!’ said Joe. ‘I’m going to smoke every day.’

But after ten minutes Tom and Joe got quieter and quieter and their faces went an interesting colour.
I’m going for a little walk now,’ said Tom. He stood up, carefully, and walked away into the trees.

‘Me too,’ said Joe, quickly.
The two boys came back an hour later. But they didn’t smoke their pipes again…

On Sunday morning there were no happy faces in St Petersburg. Aunt Polly and Joe’s mother and father were in the church, and all the boys’ friends. The minister said some very nice things about the three boys, and the boys’ families cried and cried. Everybody cried. And little Becky Thatcher did not stop crying for one second.

There was a small noise at the back of the church, but at first nobody heard it. Then the minister looked up -and suddenly stopped speaking. Everybody turned to look. Their mouths opened, and stayed open.
And into the church came the three dead boys — Tom first, Joe next, and then Huck.

For a second nobody moved or spoke, and then the noise began. Aunt Polly and joe’s mother ran to the boys, and took them in their arms. Aunt Polly cried, and laughed, and cried again.
‘Oh, Tom!’ she said. ‘You’re a bad boy, but I love you!’

Suddenly, the minister called out, ‘Oh, happy days! Sing, good people of St Petersburg! Sing and be happy!’
And everybody sang, and smiled, and laughed for a long time. It was St Petersburg’s happiest funeral.

The weeks went by, and the judge came to St Petersburg. On the day before Muff Potter’s trial, Huck and Tom met in the street near Tom’s house. Huck was unhappy.
‘Tom, you didn’t tell anyone about — you know?’
‘No, I didn’t. But Huck, what about Muff? People are saying he’s the killer. And he’s going to die!’

‘But we can’t tell anyone about Injun Joe,’ said Huck. I don’t want to die, too! 
Do you?’

No, Tom didn’t want to die. But he couldn’t forget Muff Potter’s face in the jail — old, tired, and unhappy. And Injun Joe was a free man. It wasn’t right.
That night Tom came home late, and very excited. He could not sleep for two or three hours.

The next morning all the village was at Muff Potter’s trial. Injun Joe was there, too. Muff waited, a tired old man with a dirty face. The judge began the trial.
Questions, questions, questions. Answers, answers,
answers. And the answers were all bad for Muff Potter.

‘Yes, I found the knife in the graveyard, next to Doctor Robinson’s body.’
‘Yes, that’s Muff Potter’s knife. He always carries it,’
‘Yes, I saw Muff Potter in the village that afternoon. He had the knife with him then.’
Questions, questions, questions …

Muff Potter began to look more and more unhappy. Then the judge said: 
 ‘Call Thomas Sawyer!’
St Petersburg sat up. What did young Tom Sawyer know? Everybody looked at him, and waited.

‘Thomas Sawyer, where were you on the seventeenth of June, at the hour of midnight?’
In the graveyard.’

‘I went there to see ghosts. With a — a — dead cat.’
St Petersburg laughed, and the judge looked angry. 
‘And where were you in the graveyard, Thomas?’

‘Behind the trees near Hoss Williams’ grave.’
Injun Joe’s face suddenly went white.
‘Now, my boy,’ said the judge. ‘Tell us your story.’

And so Tom told his story, and St Petersburg sat and listened to him with open mouths.
‘. . . and then Muff Potter fell, and Injun Joe jumped with the knife and — ‘

Crash! Injun joe jumped through the window, and was out and away in a second.

St Petersburg loved Tom for a week. But Tom was not happy. Injun Joe was not in jail, and he was a dangerous man. Tom slept badly for weeks.
The slow summer days went by. Injun Joe did not come back to St Petersburg, and Tom began to forget.

4 - Treasure

There is a time in every boy’s life when he wants to go and dig for treasure. 
And that time came for Tom.
So, one hot summer’s day, he went to find Huck.
Huck liked the idea of treasure. ‘Where are we going to dig?’ he asked.
An old dead tree is best.’
‘Who puts the treasure under old trees?’

‘Robbers,’ said Tom. ‘And then they go away, or they forget to come back for the treasure.’
‘There’s a dead tree on Cardiff Hill,’ said Huck. ‘Let’s go there! I’ve got an old pick and shovel.’
It was three miles to the old tree, and the boys arrived tired and hot. They dug for an hour or two, but they didn’t find any treasure. Then they stopped, and Tom looked down at an old house at the foot of the hill.

I’ve got an oldpick and shovel.’
‘Hey, look!’ he said. ‘Nobody lives in that old house. Let’s go there. Old houses are always good for treasure.’

‘Good for ghosts, too!’ said Huck.
They took the pick and shovel with them, went down the hill, and into the old house. They looked in all the rooms downstairs, and then went upstairs. But there was no treasure, and no ghosts. Then they heard a noise.

‘Sh!’ said Tom, suddenly. ‘What’s that?’
‘Ghosts!’ whispered Huck.
There were holes in the floor, and through them the boys could see into the rooms downstairs.

‘No,’ Tom whispered. ‘It’s two men. One is the old Spaniard. He came to live in the village last week. I don’t know the other man. Sh! Let’s listen to them.’
The two men sat down on the floor. The Spaniard had a green hat and long white hair; the other man was small and dark. He took out a bag and began to open it.

‘It’s hot in here,’ the Spaniard said. He took off his green hat — and then he took off his long white hair!
‘Tom!’ Huck whispered upstairs. ‘That’s Injun Joe!’

‘We took six hundred and fifty dollars when we robbed that house,’ said the second man. He took some money out of the bag. ‘We can take fifty dollars with us now. What are we going to do with the six hundred?’
‘Leave it here,’ said Injun Joe. ‘We can come back and get it next week. Here, give me the bag.’

He walked across the room to the fireplace, moved two big stones from the floor, and began to dig with his knife.
Upstairs, the two boys watched excitedly. Treasure! Six hundred dollars of wonderful treasure!

Injun Joe stopped digging. ‘Hello, what’s this?’ he said. ‘There’s something here. 
It’s an old box.’
The two men got the box out and opened it.

‘It’s money!’ said Injun Joe’s friend.
Injun Joe put his hand into the box. ‘There are thousands of dollars here!’ he said, and the two men looked at the money with happy smiles.

‘But who—’ began Injun Joe’s friend.
‘Don’t ask,’ Injun Joe said. ‘It’s our money now.’
‘We can’t take it with us today,’ said his friend. ‘What can we do with it? 
Put it back under the floor?’

‘Yes,’ said Injun Joe. (Happy faces upstairs.) ‘No! (Very unhappy faces upstairs.) Let’s put it under the cross — nobody goes there. We can take it there tonight.’
When night came, the two men carried all the money away. The boys did not go after them because they were afraid of Injun Joe. But they wanted very much to find that ‘cross’.

For a week the two boys thought and thought about the treasure. It was ‘under the cross’, but where was the cross? In St Petersburg the boys watched the ‘Spaniard’ carefully, but they didn’t see a cross, and they didn’t find the treasure.

5 - In the Cave

The next Saturday was Becky Thatcher’s birthday, and all Becky’s friends were very excited.

It’s going to be a wonderful day,’ Becky told Tom. ‘We’re going to have a picnic by the river, and after that, we can visit McDougal’s Cave.’
So in the morning, a big boat took Becky, Tom, and all their friends down the river. There were some older children on the boat too, but all the mothers and fathers stayed at home. Picnics are better without them!

And it was a very happy, noisy picnic.
After the picnic, the children took out their candles, and ran up the hill! to the cave. The mouth of the cave was dark, and some of the children were afraid at first. But caves are exciting, so in the end everybody went in.

McDougal’s Cave was very, very big, with hundreds of tunnels and rooms. The tunnels went up, down, and into the hill for. miles. You could walk for days in McDougal’s Cave. Nobody knew all the cave, but many people knew the tunnels near the door. You could play all day in these tunnels. Torm, of course, knew them well.

For hours the children walked and ran through the cave, up and down the tunnels, in and out of the rooms. In the evening they came out, and walked down the hill to the boat, tired but happy.

When the boat arrived back in St Petersburg, it was dark. Huck Finn saw the boat, but he did not know about the picnic. He did not go to birthday picnics, of course, because the mothers of St Petersburg did not like him. But tonight Huck was only interested in treasure — Injun Joe’s treasure. Injun Joe was in an old building by the river, and Huck waited in the street near the building.

‘Perhaps,’ he thought, ‘Injun Joe’s cross is in there. And the box of money. 
I must wait and watch. I can tell Tom about it tomorrow.’

But Injun Joe didn’t come out. At midnight it began to tain, and Huck waited all night in the cold street. In the morning he could not move and he could not speak. He felt cold, then hot, then cold, then hot again. Mrs. Douglas, a woman from the church, found him in the street. She took him to her home and put him to bed. And there he stayed for two weeks. He was very ill, and so he did not hear about Tom and Becky.

But on Sunday morning all St Petersburg knew about Tom and Becky — because they were not on the boat when it came back to the village. Where were they? Were they lost in the cave? And were they alive, or dead?
At first Tom and Becky played with their friends in the cave. Then Tom wanted to go down a new tunnel, and Becky went with him.

Sometimes Tom put a mark on the tunnel wall.
They walked and talked, and went into a second tunnel, then a third. Sometimes Tom put a mark with candle smoke on the tunnel wall — he wanted to find the mouth of the cave again! Then they came out of the tunnels into a big room. There were hundreds of bats in this room, — and the candles woke them up. Tom took Becky’s hand and they ran into the nearest tunnel, with the bats behind them. But one bat hit Becky’s candle and it went out. The children ran and ran through the tunnels, and at last they got away from the bats. They stopped and sat down. Suddenly, it was very, very quiet,

‘Where are we now, Tom?’ Becky whispered, afraid.
‘I don’t know,’ said Tom. ‘I think it’s time to go back. But we can’t go through that big room because of the bats. Let’s so down this tunnel.’
They went down one tunnel, then a second, a third, a fourth… Then they wanted to find the big room with the bats again, but they couldn’t. Becky began to cry:

‘Tom, we can’t get out. We’re lost, Tom, we’re lost!’
They walked, and walked. When they were tired, they sat down; Then they got up and walked again. Time went by. Was it day, or night? They didn’t know.

Then Tom wanted to find water. They had nothing to eat, and they must have something to drink. They found a very small river and sat down next to it.
‘Becky,’ said Tom. ‘We must stay here. Near this river. 
This is our last candle, and …’

He did not finish, but Becky understood.
‘Yes, Becky.’
‘Are they going to come and look for us?’
‘Of course! When the boat gets to St Petersburg —’

‘But how can they find us, in these hundreds of tunnels? Oh, Tom, Tom, we’re going to die in here!’
Becky began to cry again. Then the candle went out and the two children were in the dark. They sat for hours and hours. They slept a little, then woke up, then slept again. Was it Sunday now? Or Monday?

Suddenly Tom sat up. ‘Listen! Somebody’s calling!’
The two children listened. They heard it again, a little nearer. They called back; then they began to walk down the tunnel in the dark, with their hands on the wall. 
They stopped and listened again, but now they couldn’t hear anything. 
 Slowly, they went back to their river.

They slept again, and woke up very, very hungry.
‘Perhaps it’s Tuesday now,’ Tom thought. ‘What can I do? I must do something? Then he had an idea.

‘Becky, listen. I’ve got a long string in my pocket. I can go down some of the small tunnels and get back to you with the string. You wait here.’

Slowly and carefully, Tom went down the first tunnel on his hands and knees. Then the tunnel wall on his right finished, and there was nothing. Tom put out his hand to feel the floor. And just then, away to his right, he saw a hand — a hand with a candle.

At once Tom called out. ‘Help!’ he cried.
The hand moved, and Tom saw an arm and a face. It was Injun Joe! Tom was very afraid, but Injun Joe was afraid too, and he quickly ran away down the tunnel.

Tom went back to Becky, but he did not tell her about Injun Joe. Tom waited for an hour, then went into a different tunnel with his string. Then a third tunnel…
It was Tuesday evening, and St Petersburg waited. Many of the villagers were in the cave, and they looked for the children day and night. But they heard nothing, saw nothing, and found nothing.

Then, late that evening, there was a sudden noise in the streets. 
People began to run to the Thatchers’ house.
‘They’re here! Becky and Tom are here!’
Most of the village came to listen to Tom’s story.

‘It was in the sixth tunnel,’ he told them. I went to the end of my string, and suddenly, I could see daylight! There was a little hole in the cave wall. I put my head out, and there was the river, right under my nose! I went back and got Becky, and we climbed out through the hole. Then we stopped a boat on the river. We were five miles from the mouth of the cave!’

Tom was very tired after his three days in the cave, and he went to bed and stayed there for two days. He heard about Huck and went to see him on Sunday, and then every day. But Mrs. Douglas was always in the room.

‘You can just say hello,’ she told Tom. ‘And then you must go. 
Huck is very ill, and he needs to sleep.’
So Tom could not talk about anything exciting, and he could not tell Huck about Injun Joe.

One day, about two weeks after the picnic, Tom was in Becky’s house, and her father came in.
‘Well, Tom,’ Mr. Thatcher said. ‘Would you like to go back to the cave again, one day?’

I’m not afraid of that cave,’ said Tom.
Mr. Thatcher laughed. ‘There are a lot of people like you, Tom. But nobody’s going into the cave again. There are big doors across the cave mouth now — and nobody can open them!’

Tom’s face went white. ‘But Mr. Thatcher — Injun Joe’s in that cave!’
An hour later, fifty men were at the cave and they opened the doors. Injun Joe was on the ground, dead, his face to the door and his knife in his hand.
Injun Joe was on the ground, dead.

6 - Under the cross

The day after Injun Joe’s funeral, Huck was out of bed. He and Tom walked slowly out of the village. They had a good, long talk, and Huck heard all about the picnic, the cave, and Injun Joe.

‘We’re never going to find the money now,’ said Huck.
‘Huck,’ said Tom. ‘The money isn’t in St Petersburg. It’s in the cave — I know it is! Why was Injun Joe in the cave? Because he took the box of money there! Right?’

Huck looked excited. ‘Say that again, Tom!’
‘The money’s in the cave! And we can get to it easily. Let’s go there now! 
 I’ve got some candles and a long string. We can take a boat and put it back later.’

Twenty minutes later the boys were in a boat on the Mississippi. They went eight miles down the river, and then Tom stopped by some small trees.
‘Here we are!’ he said.
Tom’s hole was just behind the trees. Tom took a candle and climbed in. 
 Huck climbed in after him.

‘Injun Joe never found this hole,’ said Tom. ‘Or he did find it and couldn’t get through it. It’s very small.’
The boys went carefully through the tunnels with their string. Then Tom stopped.
The boys went eight miles down the river.
‘I saw Injun Joe about here,’ he said. ‘And look, Huck — there’s the cross!’

There was a big smoke cross on the tunnel wall. The boys looked up and down the tunnel, but there was no box of money.
‘Injun joe said under the cross,’ said Tom. ‘Perhaps it’s under the ground. 
Look, we can move these stones.’

The boys took their knives and began to dig by the tunnel wall. Very soon, they found a second, smaller tunnel under the wall. They climbed down into it, and came into a small room. There was a bed, two whiskey bottles, some old shoes — and the box of money,

When somebody finds treasure, everybody hears about it very quickly. 
The two boys carried the box through the village. And when they got to Aunt Polly’s house, half the village was with them. Everybody went into the house.
‘Oh, Tom, Tom!’ cried Aunt Polly. ‘What is it now? And what have you got there?’

Tom put the box on the table and opened it.
There were twelve thousand dollars in that box. And suddenly, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were the richest people in St Petersburg.
There were twelve thousand dollars in that box.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn od Marka Twaina / Dobrodružství Huckleberryho Finna film + animace

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - 1/43 


You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of 
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain’t no matter. That book was made by
 Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. 
I never seen anybody but lied one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or maybe Mary. Aunt Polly – Tom’s Aunt Polly, she is – and Mary, and the Widow Douglas is all told about in that book, which is mostly a true book, with some stretchers, as I said before.

Now the way that the book winds up is this: Tom and me found the money that the robbers hid in the cave, and it made us rich. We got six thousand dollars apiece – all gold. It was an awful sight of money when it was piled up. Well, Judge Thatcher he took it and put it out at interest, and it fetched us a dollar a day apiece all the year round – more than a body could tell what to do with. 

The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn’t stand it no longer 
I lit out. I got into my old rags and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied. But Tom Sawyer he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers, and I might join if I would go back to the widow and be respectable. 
So I went back.

The widow she cried over me, and called me a poor lost lamb, and she called me 
a lot of other names, too, but she never meant no harm by it. She put me in them new clothes again, and I couldn’t do nothing but sweat and sweat, and feel all cramped up. Well, then, the old thing commenced again. The widow rung a bell for supper, and you had to come to time. When you got to the table you couldn’t go right to eating, but you had to wait for the widow to tuck down her head and grumble a little over the victuals, though there warn’t really anything the matter with them, – that is, nothing only everything was cooked by itself. 
In a barrel of odds and ends it is different; things get mixed up, and the juice kind of swaps around, and the things go better.

After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers, and 
I was in a sweat to find out all about him;
but by and by she let it out that Moses had been dead a considerable long time; so then I didn’t care no more about him, because I don’t take no stock in dead people.

Pretty soon I wanted to smoke, and asked the widow to let me. But she wouldn’t. She said it was a mean practice and wasn’t clean, and I must try to not do it any more. That is just the way with some people. They get down on a thing when they don’t know nothing about it. Here she was a-bothering about Moses, which was no kin to her, and no use to any- body, being gone, you see, yet finding a power of fault with me for doing a thing that had some good in it. And she took snuff, too;
 of course that was all right, because she done it herself.

Her sister, Miss Watson, a tolerable slim old maid, with goggles on, had just come to live with her, and took a set at me now with a spelling-book. She worked me middling hard for about an hour, and then the widow made her ease up. 
I couldn’t stood it much longer. Then for an hour it was deadly dull, and I was fidgety. Miss Watson would say, “Don’t put your feet up there, Huckleberry;” and “Don’t scrunch up like that, Huckleberry – set up straight;” and pretty soon she would say, 

“Don’t gap and stretch like that, Huckleberry – why don’t you try to be- have?” 
Then she told me all about the bad place, and I said I wished I was there. She got mad then, but I didn’t mean no harm. All I wanted was to go somewheres; 
all I wanted was a change, I warn’t particular. She said it was wicked to say what 
I said; said she wouldn’t say it for the whole world; she was going to live so as to go to the good place. Well, I couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it. But I never said so, because it would only make trouble, and wouldn’t do no good.

Now she had got a start, and she went on and told me all about the good place. She said all 
a body would have to do there was to go around all day long with a harp and sing, forever and ever. 
So I didn’t think much of it. But I never said so. I asked her if she reckoned 
Tom Sawyer would go there, and she said not by a considerable sight. 
I was glad about that, because I wanted him and me to be together.

Miss Watson she kept pecking at me, and it got tiresome and lonesome. By and by they fetched the niggers in and had prayers, and then everybody was off to bed. 
I went up to my room with a piece of candle, and put it on the table. Then I set down in a chair by the window and tried to think of something cheerful, but it warn’t no use. 
I felt so lonesome I most wished I was dead. 
The stars were shining, and the leaves rustled in the woods ever so mournful; and 
I heard an owl, away off, who-whooing about some- body that was dead, and a whippowill and a dog cry- ing about somebody that was going to die; and the wind was trying to whisper something to me, and I couldn’t make out what it was, and so it made the cold shivers run over me. 

Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when
 it wants to tell about something that’s on its mind and can’t make itself understood, and so can’t rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving. I got so down-hearted and scared I did wish I had some company. 

Pretty soon a spider went crawling up my shoulder, and I flipped it off and it lit in the candle; and before I could budge it was all shriveled up. 
I didn’t need anybody to tell me that that was an awful bad sign and would fetch me some bad luck, so I was scared and most shook the clothes off of me. I got up and turned around in my tracks three times and crossed my breast every time; and then I tied up a little lock of my hair with a thread to keep witches away. But I hadn’t no confidence. You do that when you’ve lost a horseshoe that you’ve found, instead of nailing it up over the door, but I hadn’t ever heard anybody say it was any way to keep off bad luck when you’d killed a spider.

I set down again, a-shaking all over, and got out my pipe for a smoke; for the house was all as still as death now, and so the widow wouldn’t know. Well, after a long time I heard the clock away off in the town go boom – boom – boom – twelve licks; and all still again – stiller than ever. Pretty soon I heard a twig snap down in the dark amongst the trees – something was a stirring. I set still and listened. 

Directly I could just barely hear a “me-yow! me- yow!” down there. That was good! Says I, “me- yow! me-yow!” as soft as I could, and then I put out the light and scrambled out of the window on to the shed. Then I slipped down to the ground and crawled in among the trees, and, sure enough, there was Tom Sawyer waiting for me.

The outcome of Huck and Tom's previous adventures are revealed. Widow Douglas' attempts to civilize Huck.
Huck plays a trick on Jim in order to avoid getting caught sneaking out. Huck joins Tom Sawyer's gang.
Huck is introduced to prayer. Huck's father Pap is rumored to have died, much to the relief of Huck. Tom's gang disbands.
Huck finds evidence suggesting his father has come looking for him.
Pap criticizes Huck's appearance and education. In an attempt to gain access to Huck's fortune Pap seeks custody of Huck.
Pap continues to seek Huck's fortune. Pap kidnaps Huck only to almost kill him in a drunken stupor.
Huck escapes his father after faking his own death.
Huck hears of his own murder from a passing ferry boat. Huck finds Jim on Jackson Island.
Huck and Jim take refuge as a storm rages. The pair make a "ghastly" discovery.
Jim is bitten by a snake, causing Jim to fear that he and Huck have incurred some bad luck. After Jim recovers, Huck goes ashore to get information disguised as a girl.
Huck learns that Pap is a suspect in his "murder" and that there is a bounty for Jim. Jackson Island is no longer safe for Huck and Jim.
Huck and Jim build a wigwam on the raft to provide some shelter. The pair travel at night to avoid being seen. Huck and Jim encounter some thieves while exploring a sunken steamboat.
Huck and Jim steal the robber's boat, but send a ferryman to rescue them from the wreckage. Huck feels he has done a good deed.
Huck and Jim look through the items from the wrecked steamboat. Huck tells Jim the story of King Solomon.
Huck and Jim are separated. Huck's view of Jim changes after he plays a mean trick on him.
Huck and Jim are afraid they passed Cairo. Huck questions whether or not to turn Jim over to the authorities. Bad luck continues to follow Huck and Jim.
Huck is invited to stay with the Grangerford family.
Huck learns of the longstanding Grangerford-Shepherdson feud. Huck and Jim continued downstream after witnessing the feuding families in action.
Huck and Jim are joined by the duke and the dauphin.
The duke and the dauphin inquire about Jim. Huck and Jim get to the a performance by the duke and the dauphin.
The duke and the dauphin continued to perfect their craft. Huck witnesses a shooting.
Huck bears witness as a mob attempts to lynch Sherburn. Huck goes to the circus.
The Royal Nonesuch draws a capacity crowd. The duke escapes before the townspeople can have their revenge. Jim longs to reunite with his family.
Huck, Jim, the duke and the dauphin arrive in another town. The duke and the dauphin attempt to steal a deceased man's wealth.
The deceased man's daughter gives a large sum of money to the dauphin. The town doctor is suspicious of the two men.
Huck takes the money from the dauphin, intending to return it to the Wilks family.
Huck hides the money in the deceased man's coffin, only to have it sealed by the undertaker before can remove it. The dauphin questions Huck about the missing money.
Huck tells Mary Jane the truth about the dauphin and the duke. The real Wilks brothers arrive just in time for the auction.
The duke and the dauphin are exposed as frauds. The gold is discovered when the deceased Wilks is exhumed. Huck escapes back to the raft, where he is once again joined by the duke and the dauphin.
The duke and the dauphin explain how they escaped, but accuse each other stealing the gold.
The dauphin betrays Jim. Huck searches for Jim, intent on freeing him from the Phelps farm.
Huck goes to the Phelps farm to find and free Jim. Huck awaits the arrival of a good friend.
Tom agrees to help Huck free Jim. Huck and Tom stay at the Phelps place, hoping to learn where Jim is being held. The dauphin and the duke get their just reward.
Tom figures out the location of Jim. Huck and Tom come up with a plan to free Jim.
Tom's plan helps to complicate Jim's escape.
Helping Jim to escape proves to be harder than expected.
Aunt Sally becomes suspicious after a number of items disappear, only to re-appear later. Huck and Tom bake a "witch pie" for Jim.
Tom continues to complicate Jim's escape with unnecessary plans.
Tom inadvertently infest the Phelps' house with rats. Tom writes an anonymous letter warning the Phelps of a plot to steal Jim.
A group of locals show up to prevent the theft of Jim. Huck, Tom, and Jim narrowly escape down the river.
Huck finds a doctor for Tom. The local farmers try to make sense of the previous night.
Tom is brought to the Phelps house, still healing from his wounds. Jim is re-captured after sacrificing his freedom in order to save Tom. Tom reveals the late Miss Watsons' final wishes in regards to Jim's freedom.
Jim is finally set free, Tom recovers from his wounds, and the fate of Huck's father is revealed.

Dobrodružství Huckleberryho Finna cz

Huckleberry Finn žil u vdovy paní Watsonové. Neměl matku a o otci už přes rok nic nevěděl. Jeho otec byl starý alkoholik. Jednoho dne se otec objevil a syna unesl do starého srubu. Jeho otec byl stále opilý a mlátil ho. Když jednou odjel otec do města, zinscenoval Huck svůj únos a smrt, aby ho už nikdy nikdo nehledal. Vzal si s sebou nějaké věci, jídlo a vyplul. Doplul na Jacksonův ostrov, kam utekl i Jim, sluha u paní Watsonové. Po nějakém čase plul Huck do města, aby zjistil jaká je situace. Dozvěděl se, že je na Jima vypsána odměna, neboť prý Hucka zabil on.

 Na ostrov se vydali dva muři z města. Huck se rychle vrátil pro Jima a odpluli z ostrova. Po cestě se stěží dostali z loupežnické lodě. Dopluli do nějakého města, kde se kvůli poškozenému voru museli oddělit. Huck byl přijat do rodiny Grangerfordovy. Ta měla krvavou mstu s rodinou Shepherdsonovou. Huck našel Jima na mýtině a ujížděl s ním pryč z města. Po cestě zachránili dva muže, podvodníky, kteří se vydávali za vévodu a krále. Po několika dnech dopluli do vesnice, kde postavili podvodníci divadlo a začali hrát. 

Představení bylo velmi krátké. Netrvalo ani pár minut. Lidé byli napáleni, ale aby v tom nebyli sami, tak před svými známými předstírali, že to bylo pěkné a ostatní se nachytali také. Lidé je začali honit a tak vévoda s králem utíkali k voru a odjížděli pryč. Po delší době dorazili do města, kde zemřel Petr Wilks. Všichni byli přesvědčeni, že král je jeho bratr Harwey. Mile ho přijali. Král s vévodou se chovali na oko mile, ale ve skutečnosti rodinu okrádali. Huck to už nemohl vydržet a všechno řekl slečně Mary Jane a vymysleli spolu plán.

 Za pár dní přijeli opravdoví dědici Petra Wilkse. Začalo vyslýchání obou dvojic, krále dostali dopisy, které měl psát. Pravý bratr se zmínil o Petrově tetování, co měl na hrudi: P-B-W jeho iniciály. Po ověření na hřbitově našli ztracené peníze. Huck rychle utekl na vor a chtěl s Jimem utéci, ale podvodníci ho dohonili. Zastavili se ve vesnici, kde byl Jim unesen kvůli odměně. Huck se ho snažil zachránit. V rodině Phelpsonově ho přijali jako Toma. Opravdový Tom přijel jako Sid Sawyere, což je také příbuzný této rodiny. Jima věznili ve staré kůlně za domem. 

Tom se Sidem vymysleli plán a Jima zachránili. Při honičce Sida trefili kulkou do lýtka, ale doktor s Jimem ho zachránili. Kniha končí tak, že Jim dostává v poslední závěti paní Watsonové svobodu a Huck byl adoptován tetou Sally.
Huck je vychováván vdovou Douglasovou. Nemá matku a jeho otec, místní opilec, je pohřešován a povídá se, že se utopil. Jednoho dne se však jeho otec objeví a chce po Huckovi peníze, které Huck získal díky objevení pokladu s Tomem Sawyerem. Huckův podíl z pokladu bylo 6000 dolarů, které soudce uložil v bance a Huck dostával denně jeden dolar. Huck však již peníze nemá, soudce je od Hucka získal za "protihodnotu". Pak se u soudu projednává případ o opatrovnictví Hucka.

 Otec Hucka unese a vězní jej ve srubu. Zde je Huck otcem často bit. Huck ze srubu uteče na Jacksonův ostrov. Před útěkem vše narafičí tak, aby to vypadalo, že byl někým zabit a vhozen do řeky. Na ostrově se Huck setkává s černochem Jimem, který utekl vdově, když se dozvěděl, že ho vdova chce prodat otrokářům do Orleansu. Černoch Jim je pak podezírán, že Hucka zabil on. Huck se to dozvídá, když převlečen za dívku ve městě zjišťuje, jaká je situace. Rychle se vrací na ostrov a odplouvají s Jimem pryč. Chtějí se doplavit do Ohio za svobodným životem. Cestou zažijí mnoho dobrodružství a zapletou se do podvodů se dvěma lotry, kteří si říkají vévoda a král. Místní lidé nakonec krále a vévodu chytí a vypráskají, ale ještě předtím král prodá černocha Jima farmáři Phelpsovi. 

Huckovi se podaří uprchnout a po váhání se vydá Jima hledat. Na jedné farmě zjišťuje, že je u tety a strýce Toma Sawyera. Teta považuje Hucka za Toma Sawyera. Tom přijíždí k tetě a strýci na prázdniny, pochopí situaci, ve které se Huck nachází a vydává se za Sida. Po několika dnech chlapci zjistí, že strýček v kůlně schovává nějakého černocha. Je to Jim. Oba chlapci pak naplánují, jak Jima osvobodí. Jim dostane provazový žebřík, košili, pera na psaní, talíře na posílání zpráv, nože, vidličky, brusku, všelijakou havěť – krysy, hady, pavouky a další "nezbytně nutné součásti vězení". Při útěku je Sid (Tom Sawyer) postřelen, protože Jimův útěk zburcuje přes čtyřicet chlapů s puškami. Do města přijíždí Tomova tetička Polly a příběh se uzavírá. Jim zjistí, že je celou dobu svobodný, protože vdova zemřela a v poslední vůli mu dala svobodu. Huckův zlý otec zahynul při povodni a Huck je tím pádem také svobodný.

Knížka je nepřímým pokračováním jiné knížky Marka Twaina, která se jmenuje Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera. Tato knížka končí tím, že kamarádi Huckleberry Finn a Tom Sawyer našli peníze, které lupiči ukryli v jeskyni. Každý z chlapců dostal šest tisíc dolarů ve zlatě. Soudce Thatcher to vzal a uložil na úrok. Chlapcům to vynášelo dolar denně.

Huck neměl mámu a jeho táta byl už přes rok nezvěstný. Lidi říkali, že Huckův otec byl vyloven z řeky utopený. Huck svého otce vůbec nechtěl vidět, protože se ho bál. Jeho táta byl opilec a Hucka bil. Mary, vdova Douglasová, si vzala Hucka za vlastního a prohlásila, že Hucka zcivilizuje. Vdova byla "zoufale spořádaná a slušná v každém směru". Její sestra, slečna Watsonová, "obstojně hubená stará panna", která se nastěhovala k vdově, se podílela na výchově Hucka. Pro Hucka to "byla hrozná nuda a připadal si tuze opuštěný".

Huck, Tom, Joe Harper, Ben Rogers a několik dalších chlapců si založí "lupičskou tlupu". Hrají si asi měsíc na loupežníky a pak Huck členství v tlupě vzdává a také ostatní chlapci z tlupy vystupují. Nikoho neobrali a nikoho nezabili, jenom pořád dělali jako kdyby.

Jednoho večera, když Huck rozžehne svíčku a vyjde nahoru do své světnice, sedí tam jeho otec. Druhého dne jde Huckův otec k soudci Thatcherovi, aby na něm vymáhal peníze patřící Huckovi, ale od soudce nic nedostane. Huck ještě předtím, než se jeho otec objevil, "prodal" soudci všechen svůj majetek "za přijatou protihodnotu". Huckův otec si u soudu zařídí poručnictví nad synem a začne honit soudce Thatchera po soudech, aby mu vydal Huckovi peníze, a také začne honit Hucka, protože nepřestal chodit do školy. 

Huck předtím o školu moc nestál, ale teď tam chodit chce, "patrně tátovi na zlost". Jednoho dne si Huckův otec na syna počíhá a odveze ho na loďce, asi pět kilometrů proti proudu, na illinoiský břeh. Je tam starý srub. Zde bydlí, chytají ryby, střílejí zvěř a z toho jsou živi. Huckův otec chodí vyměňovat ryby a zvěřinu za kořalku, pití si nosí do srubu a postupem doby se začíná víc a víc ohánět na Hucka holí. Huck je samá modřina a to bití již nemůže vydržet. 

Navíc otec Huckovi oznámí, že si lidé povídají o novém soudním procesu, aby mu byl Huck odňat a dán opět do opatrování vdově Douglasové. Huck se k vdově již vracet nechce. Rozhodne se, že otci uteče. Při útěku vše narafičí tak, aby to vypadalo, že byl někým zabit a vhozen do řeky. Jeho cílem byl Jacksonův ostrov.
 Na ostrově se Huck setkává s černochem slečny Watsonové jménem Jim, který je také na útěku, protože se dozvěděl, že ho slečna Watsonová chtěla prodat za osm set dolarů do Orleansu. Protože Jim utekl zrovna té noci, kdy utekl Huck, je podezírán, že zabil Hucka a je na něj vypsána odměna tři sta dolarů. Huck se to dozvídá od paní Judity Loftusové, když převlečen za dívku ve městě zjišťuje, jaká je situace. Rychle se vrací na ostrov a odplouvají s Jimem na voru po řece pryč.

 Cestou zažijí mnoho dobrodružství. Při velké vichřici u Saint Louisu. Na vraku ztroskotaného parníku s bandou vrahů. Dále se dvěma muži s puškami, kteří honili pět uprchnutých černochů. Srážku s parníkem, po které je Huck přijat do rodiny plukovníka Grangerforda a Jim se musí ukrývat na mýtince v bažinách a myslí si, že Huck je mrtvý. Zapletou se do podvodů se dvěma lotry, kteří si říkají král a vévoda. Král prodá černocha Jima farmáři Phelpsovi, který má malou bavlníkovou plantáž. Na farmě Huck zjišťuje, že je u tety a strýce Toma Sawyera. Teta Sally Phelpsová považuje Hucka za Toma Sawyera, protože jí psala sestra, že Tom přijede. Tom skutečně přijíždí.

 Pochopí situaci, ve které se Huck nachází a vydává se za Sida, druhého synovce sestry paní Phelpsové. Tom "detektivním způsobem" zjistí, že Jim je zavřený v domku u smetiště. Vymyslí také plán Jimova osvobození a útěku, při kterém je však postřelen. Huck se vydává za doktorem do města a doktor pak na Španělský ostrov za zraněným Tomem s tím, že Hucka posílá k Phelpsovým, aby připravil rodinu na překvapení. Huck však zaleze do haldy dříví, aby se trochu prospal, ale když se probudí je slunko už vysoko na nebi. Běží do města, shání se po doktorovi, ale řeknou mu, že doktor byl v noci odvolán k nemocnému. 

Huck jako splašený běží k voru s úmyslem plout na ostrov za Tomem a Jimem, ale potkává se s panem Phelpsem. Pak tvrdí, že se nic nestalo, že běželi za muži a psy, kteří honili černocha, ale nestačili jim, zůstali pozadu. Pak jezdili loďkou, utahali se, loďku přivázali, lehli si, usnuli a probudili se až před hodinou. Potom pádlovali sem, aby zjistili, jak to dopadlo. Sid šel na zvědy. On běží něco sehnat k snědku a pak půjdou domů. Phelps a Huck pak jedou pro Sida na poštu, ale ten tam samozřejmě není. Starý pán vyzvedává na poště dopis a pak jedou na farmu.

 Huck nemůže celou noc spát. Pořád musí myslet na vystrašenou tetu Sally a na Toma. Druhý den, když pán Phelps předává dopis tetě Sally od její sestry, přináší doktor s lidmi Toma Sawyera k Phelpsovým. Teta Sally dopis nečte a vrhá se s pláčem k Sidovi. Je přiveden i Jim, s rukama svázanýma na zádech. Muži vypadají navztekaně a někteří z nich chtějí Jima rovnou oběsit. Doktor však říká, aby s Jimem nezacházeli tvrdě, protože to není špatný černoch, protože bez jeho pomoci by se mu hocha nepodařilo ošetřit, poněvadž hoch blouznil. Huck je doktorovi vděčný za to, že se za Jima přimluvil a je také rád, jak se Jim zachoval.

 Huck od samého začátku věřil, že má Jim dobré srdce. Tom pak přijde za několik dní k sobě a přiznává, že Jima osvobodili. Také řekne tetě Sally, že stará slečna Watsonová před dvěma měsíci umřela a v závěti darovala Jimovi svobodu. Najednou se ve dveřích objevuje Tomova teta Polly. Poté se samozřejmě provalí, že Sid je Tom a Tom je Huck Finn. Teta Polly také potvrdí, že Tom má pravdu, že Watsonová skutečně Jimovi odkázala svobodu. Jim pak prozradí Huckovi, že jeho otec je mrtvý. Připomíná Huckovi příhodu, jak při svém útěku viděli plavat chalupu po řece, co v ní ležel přikrytý muž, jak se šel Jim podívat na toho muže a nechtěl, aby ho Huck viděl. Tak to byl Huckův otec.

Hucka vychovává paní Douglasová. Jeho matka již nežije a otec je prvotřídní alkoholik, jenž po Huckovi chce peníze, které objevil se svým přítelem Tomem Sawyerem. Huck už je ale nemá, a tak je otcem vězněn ve srubu v lese, kde je jím často bit.

Huck zorganizoval svou smrt a odplul na Jacksonův ostrov, kde se setkává s černochem Jimem - otrokem, jenž utekl, protože se doslechl, že ho chce jistá vdova prodat.

Jednou se Huck převlékl za dívku a jde se podívat na situaci ve městě. Jim je obviněn z Huckovy vraždy. Ten tedy spěchá zpět na ostrov a s Jimem odplouvají pryč - mají namířeno do Ohia.

Cestou poznají a zachrání dva muže, podvodníky, kteří si říkají král a vévoda. 

V jednom městě uspořádají divadlo, které trvá jen pár minut - lidé jsou napáleni. Ještě před vypráskáním lidmi stihnou prodat Jima jednomu farmáři. Huck uteče a vydá se Jima hledat.

Dostane se na farmu tety a strýce Toma Sawyera a vydává se za něj. Když přijede opravdový Tom, hru pochopí a zahraje si na Tomova přítele Sida. Po pár dnech chlapci zjistí, že strýc schovává v kůlně černocha - je to opravdu Jim. Chlapci si naplánují Jimovo vysvobození a při útěku je Tom (Sid) postřelen. Jim a doktor ho ale ošetří a uzdraví. Jimovi se do rukou dostane závěť vdovy (už mrtvé), kde dává Jimovi svobodu. Huck se dozvídá, že jeho otec zemřel a je adoptován tetou Polly.

Děj se odehrává ve městečku Saint Petersburg na břehu řeky Mississippi v USA v polovině 19. století. Hlavním hrdinou je Tom Sawyer, uličník s velmi bujnou fantazií. Tom je také velmi obratným řečníkem, takže mnoho zdánlivě nevýhodných situací dokáže obrátit ve svůj prospěch. Jednou tak přemluvil chlapce, aby místo něj natírali plot a ještě mu za to zaplatili.

Tom neustále utíká v noci z domova, aby zažil mnoho nevšedních dobrodružství. Jednou v noci šel s Huckem Finnem o půlnoci na hřbitov. Zde zahlédli tři muže, kteří něco dělali u jednoho z hrobů. Schovali se tedy za náhrobek a sledovali situaci. Mezi muži poznali doktora Robinsona, opilce Pottera a zabijáka Joea Indiána. Poslední dva měli lopaty a vykopávali mrtvolu pro doktora Robinsona, který jim za to zaplatil. Nezdálo se jim však, že jim zaplatil dost a chtěli další peníze, které jim doktor již nechtěl dát. Strhla se šarvátka, která skončila tím, že Joe Indián zabil doktora Robinsona nožem a ten pak dal do ruky Pottera, který byl omráčený tak, aby to vypadalo, že doktora zavraždil on. (viz ukázka)
Chlapci toto všechno stále pozorovali schovaní. Jakmile měli příležitost, okamžitě utíkali pryč ze hřbitova. Schovali se ve staré budově, kde složili přísahu, že se o tom, co viděli, do smrti nezmíní.

O pár dní později se chlapci rozhodli, že se stanou trosečníky na řece Mississippi. Na opuštěném ostrově strávili několik dní, ve městě si však lidé mysleli, že se utopili. Po několika dnech se však chlapcům začalo stýskat po rodinách, a tak se rozhodli vrátit domů. Vrátili se přesně v den, kdy se konal jejich pohřeb.

Za několik dní se konal soudní proces s Potterem, který měl zavraždit doktora Robinsona. Tom se rozhodl, že u soudu vystoupí jako korunní svědek, a to také učinil. Řekl, jak se událost opravdu stala, takže Potter byl osvobozen a začalo pátrání po Joeu Indiánovi. Tom byl hrdinou celého města.

Jednoho dne šli chlapci hledat poklad do starého domu. Když tam přišli, slyšeli hlasy Joea Indiána a nějakého neznámého muže. Byli zděšeni a schovali se pod schody. Joe Indián zrovna našel ve starém domě poklad, pro který si šli chlapci a odnesl si ho. Kluci se rozhodli, že mu ho musí sebrat, a tak ho začali stopovat ve dne v noci.

Podařilo se jim ho vystopovat v místním hostinci. Joe Indián chtěl zavraždit vdovu Douglasovou kvůli jejímu manželovi, který býval soudce a nechal Indiána zavřít. Huck Finn to běžel říct panu Walesanovi, jenž se svými syny ihned vzal pušky a šel vdovu zachránit. Indiána však nechytil.

Mezitím se Tom ztratil s Becky Thatcherovou v jeskyni.
Celé město je hledalo, ale nikdo je nenašel, protože zašli příliš daleko do jeskyně. Děti naprosto vyčerpané po třech dnech v jeskyni byly na pokraji sil. Tomovi se však podařilo najít východ z jeskyně a děti byly zachráněny. Jak hledal východ, náhodou našel v jeskyni Joea Indiána a viděl, kam schoval poklad.

Jakmile se děti opět objevily ve městě, nechal soudce Thatcher zavřít vchod do jeskyně. Tom si po pár dnech vzpomněl na Indiána, otevřeli dveře do jeskyně a našli ho mrtvého.
Tom s Huckem si také zašli pro poklad, který Tom objevil v jeskyni, a tím se stali velmi bohatí.

Hucka Finna se ujala vdova Douglasová, která ho začala učit správnému chování. Společně s Tomem plánovali další dobrodružství.

Příběh této knížky se odehrává na americkém venkově v půlce devatenáctého století. Chlapec Tom Sawyer se zamiluje do krásné dívky jménem Becky. A protože je statečný a lstivý, brzy si získá její srdce.

Ale pak se dá spolu se dvěma kluky na pirátství. Ukradnou jednu loďku a odplují na nedaleký Jacksonův ostrov. Odtamtud pozorují parníky, které hledají jejich mrtvoly. Nenajdou je, a proto je na sobotu naplánován jejich pohřeb. Tom se o něm dozvěděl, a když už se měl konat smuteční obřad a celá vesnice za ně truchlila, objevili se...

Potom se Tom spolu s jedním klukem, Huckem Finnem, vypravili o půlnoci na hřbitov. Zrovna spatřili, jak Indián Joe zabil doktora a omráčil Muffa Pottera. Když se pak Muff probral, myslel si, že doktora zabil on, protože byl opilý. Tom s Huckem uzavřeli dohodu, že to, co viděli, nikomu neřeknou.

Čas plynul a Tom již nemohl poslouchat vzdychání Muffa Pottera ve vězení. Proto řekl soudci, jak to všechno ve skutečnosti bylo. Indián Joe ale stihl utéct.

Pak se dal Tom s Huckem na hledání pokladů. Kopali v jednom opuštěném domě. Viděli, že se k němu někdo blíží, a proto se schovali na půdě. V tu chvíli vešel dovnitř Indián Joe. Chtěl si schovat svoje peníze. Začal kopat a narazil na kov. Byl to hrnec, v němž se nacházelo šest tisíc dolarů. Indián si vzal hrnec i svoje peníze.

Další den se Tom s Becky vypravili do jeskyně, která připomínala labyrint. Tom a Becky se tam na tři dny ztratili. Až čtvrtý den našli východ.
Za týden nato se Tom s Huckem do jeskyně znovu vypravili a našli tam peníze Indiána Joea, včetně těch, které nalezl. Indián Joe se totiž v jeskyni ztratil a zemřel tam...

Hlavní postavou v pořadí již osmé filmové adaptace nadčasového románu Marka Twaina je napůl negramotný chlapec Huckleberry Finn, který jde z jedné nepříjemnosti do druhé, navzdory všem marným snahám vdovy Douglasové, která se ho snaží po smrti jeho matky vychovat. Huckův otec, notorický alkoholik a hrubián, se rozhodne syna unést a zabít ho, aby získal peníze po chlapcově matce. Jeho plán se však nezdaří, protože Huck předstírá smrt, podaří se mu uniknout a po řece Mississippi se vydá zpět ve společnosti uprchlého otroka Jima. Cestou po legendární řece prožívá nesourodá dvojice celou řadu veselých i vážných dobrodružství a potkává řadu svérázných lidí a lidiček.

Jsou mezi nimi například dva podvodníci Ktál a Vévoda, kteří se vydávají za anglické cestovatele, aby podvedli dvě sestry a připravily je o jejich majetek, nebo odvážná dvanáctiletá dívka Susan Wilks, od níž nakonec Huck dostane první polibek v životě. Každé dobrodružství v Huckovi něco zanechá, stejně jako každý den strávený na řece a také Jim, který ho zbaví rasistických názorů, ve kterých Huck vyrůstal.