pondělí 15. května 2023

The Young Black Stallion / Mladý černý hřebec

 Film Mladý Černý hřebec vypráví o síle přátelství. Mladá dívka Neera se ztratila v poušti. Naštěstí ale narazila na neobyčejně rychlé hříbě a společně pak našli cestu domů. Tam Neera zjistila, že její dědeček již není schopen starat se o rodinný chov koní. Proto se rozhodla zůčastnit se jednoho velmi náročného dostihu, aby napravila dědečkovu pověst. Mimo pošramocené cti je ale v sázce i život jejího nejlepšího přítele, MLADÉHO ČERNÉHO HŘEBCE.

This is the plot: Toto je zápletka:

The Young Black Stallion follows the adventures of Shetan, a young black colt. After a band of robbers separates an Arabian girl named Neera  from her father, she finds herself alone in the desert. Before long, a mysterious black colt comes to her rescue. The two quickly form a special bond, and the horse returns Neera to her grandfather. Once Neera is back home, the stallion disappears.

Neera greets her grandfather Ben Ishak  and her cousin Aden eagerly, but is disappointed and upset when she find out that her grandfather’s horse breeding days are over. Ben Ishak informs Neera that because of the shootings in the desert, his fields are ruined, and he can no longer afford to keep any of his horses. He kept an old plow-horse, Abha, and set his most precious mare Jinah free. We find out later that Jinah was Shetan’s mother.

A year passes, but the black stallion does not return. Neera’s grandfather tells her that the horse was probably nothing more than a product of her imagination. But Neera knows better. She thinks the stallion is the lost horse of the desert, a legend born of the sands and sired by the night sky. Then, one night, the colt appears again. In an attempt to help her grandfather start a breeding farm again, Neera joins a grueling cross-country race against the finest horses of Arabia for a purse of the most exceptional Arabian mares. Shetan, the black stallion, is trained, and Neera rides him in the competition to restore her grandfather’s money and respect. In the end, Neera wins, and Shetan is reunited with his mother.They have also added a 13 minute prequel at the beginning which is very nice.